Why Doesn’t Every Business Have a Good Strategy?Review of Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters by Richard P Rumelt
This is one of the best business books ever written. It clearly explains what makes for good strategy. The mystery is why bad strategy is still so common…
Delegation beats chaos in creating a viable business
In a healthy business, power is distributed and organised. Here’s how to avoid the chaotic ‘princely court’ model and start delegating power effectively...
The Tale of Two Squirrel Kingdoms (or Peter Drucker vs W. Edwards Deming on management organisation)
Is management in your organisation focused on goals or processes? Which is best? Here’s a fable that illustrates the differences...
Review: The Hard Thing About Hard Things; Building A Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz
What a CEO can (and can’t) learn from Ben Horowitz…
Review: Nine Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
In ‘Nine Lies About Work, A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World’, Buckingham and Goodall seek to debunk ‘lies’ that prevail in the workplace. But do the authors fall into the very trap they successfully expose?
Brand owners: why aren’t you all doing this?
Do you agree with these 9 propositions? If so can you please answer the question at the end?
How to beat ad-blocking: ‘Bring something to the party’
“I would say this to advertisers: Put your advertising in digital content that has perfect context, so that it brings something to the party and then why would someone ignore it?”
Going west by heading east: Why direct, ‘rational’ online advertising doesn’t work
Unfortunately for online advertisers, winning customers isn’t simply a matter of finding out what they want and telling them they should buy it from you.
What is content anyway? How brands can move from unfocused ‘content marketing’ to strategic, effective Brand Editorial Marketing
‘Brand Editorial Marketing’ (or BEM) is providing businesses with new ways to engage with customers, increase brand awareness and dominate search terms on Google. But what is it, and how does it work?
What if fashion is going out of fashion?
Social media could be doing something strange to the place of fashion in our lives. Gareth Williams explains, and asks what it could mean for brands…